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  • To Shin Do

    To Shin Do

    To Shin Do

    Founded by Stephen K Hayes the legendary American Ninja. This system is a departure from Ninjitsu as taught by the Bujinkan. It differentiates itself from the original system claiming to be more focussed on threats and confrontations that are more likely to be encountered in modern day life. Its emphasis is on successfully handling surprise attacks with multiple assailants focussing on the use of strikes, punches, kicks, grappling techniques, chokes and joint locks.
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  • Chu Fen Do

    Chu Fen Do

    Chu Fen Do

    One important aspect to training is the efforts to arm students with psychological understanding of fear and in particular how that
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  • Vacon



    This is a hybrid martial art used by the military in Peru. It utilises a number of Jujitsu techniques such as arm bars, choke holds and restraining movements along with street techniques from the gang-ridden shantytowns.
    This little known martial art has developed a strong reputation in Peru, in particular in its use by police against the criminal elements known to plague the poorer areas of the cities.

    Share your thoughts or experiences
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  • Hoshin Roshi Ryu

    Hoshin Roshi Ryu

    Hoshin Roshi Ryu

    A hybrid art consisting of techniques drawn from Ninjitsu and Jujitsu developed by the late Glenn J Morris, PhD an organisational psychologist. The system aims to combine knowledge of philosophy and martial arts to create a complete system for mental and physical self protection. Although trained as a Western psychologist, the founder was interested in Daoist philosophy and esoteric writings.

    Practitioners are encouraged to draw from a wide range of philosophical...
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  • Choi Kwang Do

    Choi Kwang Do

    Choi Kwang Do

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  • Hurricane Combat Art

    Hurricane Combat Art

    Hurricane Combat Art

    An American hybrid system with its headquarters in Los Vegas, Nevada.

    As the name suggests, hurricane, a noun, can be described as a violent storm categorised...
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  • Mma


    Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

    Many trace it back to the Gracie family and their work since 1920 in Brazil. Others pinpoint Bruce
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  • Kokondo



    Kokondo is a term which is used to describe a martial art called Kondo Karate. It is also a term used to describe Jukido Jujitsu, the former being developed in 1970 and the latter in 1959.
    Its founding father, Paul Arel, based the art on his initial system of study, Sanzyu Ryu Jujitsu, later enrolling in the marines, he was stationed in Japan and studied a number of different Jujitsu and Karate styles. Following his departure from Kyokushinkai Karate movement, he focussed
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  • Kick Boxing

    Kick Boxing

    Kick Boxing

    Kick boxing is a generic term for a martial art and a martial artist who engages or practices in this form of boxing which includes kicks. Typically, kick boxing, the sport as fought in competitions usually does not allow elbow or knee strikes, head butting locking or throwing. Although there are many forms of kick boxing, technically including Sanda Chinese Kick Boxing, Shoot Boxing, a Japanese form, Yaw Yan a Pilipino form, Muay Thai the Thai version, Pradal Serey, the
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  • Model Mugging / Impact

    Model Mugging / Impact

    Model Mugging sometimes known as Impact

    A self defence based system of teaching, primarily aimed at women, this system was developed after a high profile rape and beating in 1971 of a female, black belt martial artist in Palo Alto.
    The underlying philosophy of the art is the aim to emancipate women from the myth of fragility. It is a hybrid system that is constantly developing; absorbing techniques from a range of martial arts. The focus on this art is placed upon what is known
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  • Han Kum Do
    by chriscrudelli
    Han Kum Do

    A Korean sword system comprising of basic cutting techniques that mimic the Korean script known as Hangul. Developed by the late Myung Jae Nam,the art came to popular attention during the third international H.K.D. Games in 1997. Although, arguably, it is easier for those familiar with the Korean language, Hangul, known as the most scientific alphabet in existence today, is in fact remarkably easy to learn. It is estimated that most foreigners should be able...
    28-02-2020, 10:32 AM
  • Shin Gum Do
    by chriscrudelli
    Shin Gum Do

    An interesting juxtaposition of peaceful Zen practice combined with the art of killing
    28-02-2020, 10:27 AM
  • Haedong Gum Do
    by chriscrudelli
    Haedong Gum Do

    The Korean art of swordmanship and sword fighting practiced with the Jukdo, a bamboo sword, and then the Mokgum and Jingum, the wooden sword and the live sword respectively. It is said to be based on GiCheon, an older internal martial art similar to Tai Chi as described in the Myue Bobo Tongji, the ancient book of martial arts.

    The system incorporates aspects of Ki Gong the internal energy development exercises, cutting practices, begi,
    28-02-2020, 10:17 AM
  • Hankido
    by chriscrudelli

    28-02-2020, 10:05 AM
  • Won Hwa Do
    by chriscrudelli
    Won Hwa Do

    There are 20 different forms which...
    28-02-2020, 10:02 AM
  • Hoi Jeon Moo Sool
    by chriscrudelli
    Hoi Jeon Moo Sool

    Utilizing circular and revolving movements to generate power. Legend has it that the art was developed from the Dol Gae Soolwhich was originated by King Tae Jo during the Koryo dynasty of Korea 994-1392 A.D. It is said that he was inspired by the force found circular motions, commonly observed in nature, and that the inspiration behind its development and popularisation was
    28-02-2020, 09:54 AM